Wednesday 6 May 2015

Made from a whim! intro to the conductor.

Hello readers hopefully you enjoy this, I don't know how often I'll update this and keep a story line... I know a few that are done in chapters but I also know that they write them b4 hand in bulk, then type them up so they could prolong the story and change it to make it longer for you guys because they want it to seem like a book and I do too but I did come up with this character on a whim, in a way I mean I always joke about it because when I'm mad I listen to classical and imagine buildings blowing up and do baton swings with my fingers to control which building person etc will die. So in a way not new but this is the first time I'm going to try and put a story behind it.

So yeh I think I want my character to be special as everyone does so I am going to make him one of the few sorcerers that can use more than one type of magic. (went down the adept root to pursue his love of music to the fullest then put necromancer power into the baton.) you'll see where I'm going with that In time, I want to show you first hand his powers to make it have wow factor, but I didn't give everything away.

Anyway I am The Conductor and I will be orchestrating real chapters soon :).

(what started it.

(*mentally kills hypocrites*)

May 6, 2015 at 7:08 PM
Blogger E.N.D said...
(*classical music plays* ahh that's better *points finger at stuff and they explode* The conductor is in.)
May 6, 2015 at 7:13 PM
Blogger The Conductor said...
Ah wunderbar! *points baton to the sky and floats upwards into the clouds* perfect night for a orchestration of killings and beautiful music!

*dissipates black clouds all around him and makes it rain* You will know the true beauty of MUSIC! *Maniacal laughter*
*lightning strikes the ground and forms into an orchestra*
May 6, 2015 at 7:24 PM

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