Sunday 24 May 2015

Black is the new grey

The Conductor walks forward slowly towards the lake surface, taking one more step the water quickly turns black just beneath his feet, he takes out his baton and points it to the middle of his lake, the water slowly turns a thick black gunk, twisting the baton the water quickly becomes enveloped by it no longer being water at all. He raises the baton to the sky the ooze starts to raise from the middle all gathering into a sphere, all of the water apart from where he was standing and a little path to the sphere was now gone and he could see the bottom of the vast lake that once lay before his cabin. "I knew it'd work, I knew it! They called me crazy, they said darkness couldn't be harnessed changed into whatever I want it to be" he said with a chuckle that broke out into maniacal laughter. With a swish of his baton the ooze quickly turns into bars of music, racing down this runway of shadow and ooze towards him singing a godly tune as they came, suddenly the first note hit him followed by 3 more in succession enveloping him in darkness until the song is over, by the time the last note is played it is a miracle The Conductor can still move his arm never mind hear through the shadow.

The world fades to black and the Treble maker is upon us.

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